BradyPLUS Blog

Clean Air Matters: How Indoor Air Quality is Impacting Students

Written by Lesleigh Rickerson | March 05, 2025

A classroom should be a safe place to learn and grow, but poor indoor air quality (IAQ) is making it harder for students and teachers to stay healthy. The air indoors is full of chemicals, dust, germs, viruses, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and other harmful particulate matter. These particles spread germs and illnesses around when not eliminated which impacts the overall health and safety of occupants resulting in increased absenteeism. A new survey of teachers in the U.S. shows the urgent need for better air quality testing and monitoring in schools.


How BradyPLUS Can Help

Mastering indoor air quality is vital for the well-being of people who live, work, learn, and play inside four walls. With the right tools, schools can create safer, healthier learning environments.

At BradyPLUS, we offer a range of active and passive air purifiers that eliminate germs and odors for cleaner, safer indoor environments. We have the tools to help identify the sources of indoor pollutants and implement effective cleaning and facility maintenance processes.

Best practices for creating a safer and healthier overall building environment:


Key Takeaways


Take action today. BradyPLUS can help your school or facility with a custom air quality solution. Let’s make clean air a reality for all students and teachers.


Findings based on the 2024 survey of educators across the U.S., highlighting the importance of indoor air quality in schools. Information sourced from: Fellowes Blog - Educators Speak Out: 2024 Survey on Classroom Air Quality